The 42nd Day of Love

Memory Verse— John 5:42. But I know that you do not have the love of God in you.

The Prayer— Help us, our Father, not only to talk about love but to have love in our deepest nature.

The Affirmation—Today I will become love.

The Scripture Lesson— John 8:3-9

The Meditation

I once heard a great preacher speak on the greatest

sin in the world—lovelessness.

If the presence of love is the greatest things in the

world, then the absence of love is the greatest

tragedy in the world.

We can help to kill people by not loving them.

Hell is a place for people who do not care!

Heaven would be hell to some people because they

would be surrounded by people who love.

Not to love is not to live!

The people who hurt Christ and the church most

are not the people who hate, but the people who


Sometimes we get so busy doing good until we

forget that the most important business of life

is to love.