The 73rd Day of Love

Memory Verse— Luke 7:42. Which of them will love Him most?

The Prayer— Help us, O Lord, to know that to be grateful is to be loving.

The Affirmation— Today I want to remember to love as I say, “thank you”.

The Scripture Lesson— Luke 7:40-43

The Meditation

There is nothing quite so demoralizing as to be


The forgotten people are the unloved people.

To remember in love is to help a person to live

and to find new life.

Jesus helped people who did not return to thank


We are all indebted to more people than we could

ever know.

Millions have fought and died for our freedom.

The most love can abide and grow in the most

grateful heart.

The selfish, self-centered person is the one who

forgets to love, because he has forgotten

to give thanks.

Today let’s bow our heads and give thanks wherever

we are, because we love and we live in God.