The 76th Day of Love

Memory Verse— Song of Solomon 2:4. His banner over me was love.

The Prayer— We are thankful our Father that You have placed over each of us the banner of love.

The Affirmation— Today I will live under the banner of His love.

The Scripture Lesson— Psalm 27:7-10

The Meditation

We live in an age when the banners of hate and

crime make headline front page news.

What would happen in our society if Christian

love started making the headlines with stories

of forgiveness and reconciliation?

The coming of Jesus is the greatest event in history.

He came on a mission of love. He is the

Father’s banner over us.

Secret and silent love can be sweet and sacred but

what our world really needs is a great invasion

of love in every area of our culture: in business,

in politics, in social life, in education.

The banner of love is the banner of intelligence

for a confused world.

Let’s fly it high.