The 88th Day of Love

Memory Verse— 2 Samuel 1:26. Your love to me was wonderful.

The Prayer— We thank You, our Father, for every person who loves us as individuals.

The Affirmation— Today I will love specific persons.

The Scripture Lesson— Philippians 1:3-6, 9

The Meditation

God knows everything about us, and yet He loves

us just as we are as individuals.

Some people try to love persons as they are not!

This is foolish. You can only truly love people

as they are!

Some people hate persons as they are not! Think

of the worst person you know! He has probably

never been as bad as you have thought him to

be in your worst moments.

“Wonderful Love” is the love that is intelligent

enough to know us and yet big enough to really

care for us with continuing concern.

The greatest single factor in the making of a great

person is the love of another person.

When you truly love a person, you are going to

keep on loving him regardless of what he does.

It is hard to get people to realize that God loves

“bad” people just as much as He loves good


Jesus lived and died for His enemies as truly as

He died for his friends!

Love so amazing, love so divine!